US visa applications ‘may break all records’ this year


A senior US consulate official informed the media here on Wednesday that the quantity of visas gave from workplaces in Islamabad and Karachi came to the most significant level in 2023.

He said the number will outperform in the continuous US financial year that closures in October 2024.

The authority alluded to an emergency like circumstance in September 2023 when the visa arrangement holding up time crested to 440 days, adding that after various measures taken by the government office, the arrangement holding up time has now been decreased to 237 days.

Nonetheless, he said, visas are given in no less than five days after the meeting on the off chance that the applicable official was persuaded.

The authority said that the postpone in the visa applications handling time was on the grounds that every application is dealt with separately and assessed autonomously.

The figures accessible at the site of the US government show that a sum of 107,183 non-movement visas were given from Pakistan during the monetary year finishing off with October 2023, contrasted with 72,082 visas gave in the past financial year.

The authority expressed that because of the great number of candidates, the most elevated at any point visas were given last year and the number is supposed to increment in 2024.

The authority said the US visa area gives need to understudies.

In any case, the authority declined to illuminate columnists about the visa application dismissal rate and the all out number of utilizations got at the visa area in Islamabad and Karachi, in light of the fact that such information was not disclosed.

Due to the most noteworthy at any point interest for US visas looked by the US government office at the Karachi department in September last year, the consulate declared a few measures and enhan­ced the visa handling limit at the two habitats.


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